Sunshine Award

Okay… I have to confess and apologize. I never acknowledged the importance of these awards. Others have nominated me and I turned them down. I was an award snob. And I was lazy. I’ve learned so much about this blogging thing, and it is all about community. So when I was nominated by Jamie at happy little wallflower I knew I had to accept. Jamie is one of the most loyal and supportive bloggers I know. Right off the bat she made me feel as if we were friends.

Another reason I avoided these awards it that I know praise is dangerous… at least for me. It feeds my pride and that is a beast better left unfed.

So again, if I offended anyone by not accepting past nominations, I’m sorry. I’ll do better from now on. So here goes:

Those receiving the Sunshine award should:

  • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog
  • Answer some questions about yourself
  • Nominate some other fabulous bloggers
  • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you!
And the nominees are… (drumroll)…
Tammy at Wing and a Prayer Farm. Tammy’s blog is unique. She shares her insights about life, love and faith through her experiences as a mom, wife and farm keeper. The pictures are stunning and the blog is just all goodness. It makes you dearly want to visit their farm in Southern Vermont. It’s a great escape for me from the city life.
Cristal at Refusing to Tiptoe. Cristal is a woman of faith, and it shines brilliantly in her blog posts. She is creative and gifted in her writing. I have been inspired many times by her reflections. I’ll never forget reading her post, Cowgirl up {when life knocks you off your horse}. From there on I was hooked.
Okay, now the questions…

1. What is your favorite movie?

Cinderalla Man.

2. Do you have any regrets? 

Thousands. I’ve been forgiven, but I haven’t forgotten.

3. What is the last book you read?

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Fantastic.

4. What is your favorite color?


5. If you could be any character from “LOST” which one would you be and why?

I have no idea what “LOST” is.

6. What is your favorite song?

Can’t honestly think of one favorite.

7. What is your biggest fear?

Hurting others in the name of religion. Unfortunately, I have seen this fear come to fruition.

8. What are your pet peeves?

Rudeness. Selfishness. Pride. I peeve myself to various degrees.

9. What are your greatest strengths?

My intellect and my desire for perfection. These, coincidentally, my great weaknesses also.

10. If you were a Star Trek® character, which one would it be?

Spock. Logically.

28 comments on “Sunshine Award

  1. Way to go. It’s perfectly okay to pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

  2. Anita S says:

    Congrats! Love your answers, especially the last one.

  3. ansuyo says:


  4. Bird says:

    Finally!! There is nothing prideful about accepting a compliment… 🙂 You have deserved these awards all along and it goes a long ways to establishing a connection with your wp community, wouldn’t you agree? I’m giving you a great big hug, Vince!!

  5. Tammy says:

    Hey, I don’t know what “Lost” is either…I’m so glad I’m not the only one!
    This was much fun, Vince, and thank you for such a kind nomination! Twas a shocker! 🙂

    I do understand what you mean about the risks of pride. Yes, you deserve that pat on the back, for sure, but I have to be careful, myself. The nice thing about the “Sunshine Award” is that it allows you to enjoy a little sunshine, and then to share even more with others!
    I think I’m going to add “To Kill A Mockingbird” to my reading list…it’s been a long time since I read it last, and I am reminded how much I liked it after seeing it here!
    Very much enjoyed my trip to Brave Fish tonight -thanks!

    • Vince Chough says:

      Tammy… thank you so much for this comment. I´m going through a bit of a rough moment, and your words brought some “Vermont Sunshine” to my heart.

      • Tammy says:

        So sad to hear that it’s a bit rough right now. So sorry. I pray for more-than-Vermont Sunshine for you, Vince. Strength and peace soon.

  6. terry1954 says:

    congratulations my friend

  7. lbtk says:

    I forgive you, Vince, because I have nominated you in the past. I completely understand why you’re hesitant though. The pride thing plagues me, too. Honestly, what you write does bring a ray of sunshine into my day. (It’s okay that you didn’t know that “Lost” is a now cancelled, but very popular television show on the ABC network. I knew what it was, but I didn’t watch so I couldn’t have answered it either. YES FOLKS! I WAS NOT A “LOST” FAN!)

    Congratulations, my friend. Sandy

  8. lol at your response to #5. I’ve never seen the show and appreciated your answer 🙂

  9. 2b14u says:

    Congrats. Look at the awards as a way to tell your followers about great blog sites you want them to visit. Your post for the award gave me a great link to a site I had not visited. I too like your last answer. It made me laugh.

  10. jamie says:

    So happy you accepted the nomination Vince! I understand your point on pride and I admit it crossed my mind too. I do believe that God will often give us a pat on the back through others, the greatest danger is patting ourselves on the back which you have not done, my friend! I am honored to be your friend and supporter!! I pray many blessings for you and the work that God is calling you to do!

    love and prayers,

  11. elliebloo says:

    Lol congrats very much!

  12. Cristal says:

    You are so gracious in the way you accepted the applause. I am so humbled YOU chose to nominate ME! I will one day possibly find a way to be as gracious as you. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. And I enjoyed reading your answers!

  13. granbee says:

    Congratulations, dear Vince! Your blog is so deserving! I am glad to learn about those two blogs that have inspired you so much, since I am a farm girl and a horse-lover! I hope to become your friend online, as well! Your having read To Kill a Mockingbird says wonderful things about you to me! I also share your fears about harm done in the name of religion and your pet peeves, especially the pride one(and I peeve myself, also!). So glad to learn about you relating to Dr.Spock. I aspire to be a female Obi Wan Kenobe,myself! Getting old enough, that is for sure!

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